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Frequently Asked Questions

What is CloudsLinker?
CloudsLinker is an efficient cloud storage transfer and management tool designed to simplify data migration and management between different cloud storage platforms.
Is CloudsLinker Secure for Usage?

1. CloudsLinker employs SSL encryption featuring the AES-256 protocol for securing uploaded files. This level of encryption is highly effective in safeguarding against a wide range of online threats.

2. Access to a CloudsLinker account is not possible with a static password, which significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access.

3. When expanding storage on CloudsLinker, the authorization for additional storage can be managed locally.

Does CloudsLinker's Data Transfer Impact Local Internet Speeds?
The data transfer process is handled by our dedicated servers, ensuring no impact on your local internet bandwidth. You have the flexibility to close CloudsLinker and engage in other activities without any interference.
Is it possible to delete a CloudsLinker account?
Yes, should you choose to discontinue using CloudsLinker's services, you have the option to delete your account through the 'Account Settings' menu.
Is CloudsLinker a Free Product?
CloudsLinker offers 10GB of free monthly data transfer as part of its basic plan. For users requiring more data transfer capacity, we provide various paid plans with increased transfer limits and enhanced speeds.